Transition Report 2013 Stuck in transition?


About this report

Country abbreviations

Albania ALB
Armenia ARM
Azerbaijan AZE
Belarus BEL
Bosnia and Herz. BOS
Bulgaria BUL
Croatia CRO
Czech Republic CZE
Egypt EGY
Estonia EST
FYR Macedonia FYR
Georgia GEO
Hungary HUN
Jordan JOR
Kazakhstan KAZ
Kosovo KOS
Kyrgyz Republic KGZ
Latvia LAT
Lithuania LIT
Moldova MDA
Mongolia MON
Montenegro MNG
Morocco MOR
Poland POL
Romania ROM
Russia RUS
Serbia SER
Slovak Republic SVK
Slovenia SLO
Tajikistan TJK
Tunisia TUN
Turkey TUR
Turkmenistan TKM
Ukraine UKR
Uzbekistan UZB
France FRA
Germany GER
Italy ITA
Sweden SWE
United Kingdom UK
Central Europe and the Baltic states CEB
South-eastern Europe SEE
Eastern Europe and the Caucasus EEC
Central Asia CA
Southern and eastern Mediterranean SEMED

The EBRD is investing in changing people's lives from central Europe to central Asia and the southern and eastern Mediterranean. Working together with the private sector, we invest in projects, engage in policy dialogue and provide technical advice that fosters innovation and builds sustainable and open market economies.

The EBRD seeks to foster the transition to an open market-oriented economy and to promote entrepreneurship in its countries of operations. To perform this task effectively, the Bank needs to analyse and understand the process of transition. The purpose of the Transition Report is to advance this understanding and to share our analysis with partners.

The responsibility for the content of the report is taken by the Office of the Chief Economist. The assessments and views expressed are not necessarily those of the EBRD. All assessments and data are based on information as of early October 2013.
